We solve the conundrum faced by founders and business leaders, how to obtain informed, balanced, objective advice and convert that advice into action. We know that theory is no substitute for practice and that practical advice is the hardest of all things to get.
Your interests are our interests
What we do
We use our expertise, experience and resources to help create the optimum solution to create, build and grow value in businesses. We come to the table with an open mind and a wealth of experience. We’re fast learners and the most important lesson is to put ourselves in the shoes of those we are helping. We start with a very simple proposition – ‘if it was our money, what would we do?’
We help businesses create, build and grow.
Our experiences, individually and collectively, led us to conclude that there is a singular lack of advice and assistance to those pioneers amongst us who have the beginnings of an idea and a go-to-market plan but lack some combination of resource, experience, funding, expertise or contacts to create the best opportunity of realising that idea in the marketplace.
Why we do it
We have learnt from experience, from careers in Advertising, FMCG, Finance, and Governance with a balance of advising companies and vitally, from going through the very same trials and tribulations of those we advise. We are the people in the room you trust, when the consultants leave, you close the door and say ‘so what should we do’’?
The partners of Founders Advisory have lived the journey. We know that theory is no substitute for practice and that practical advice is the hardest of all things to get. Advice from people who have have also lived it, grown it, built it. We appreciate the excitement of success and the challenges of achieving it. Most importantly, we genuinely enjoy it. It’s stimulating, it’s helpful and it’s rewarding.
How we do it
Every opportunity we agree to assess, begins with a full day session between the client principals and the three Founders Advisory partners. We ensure that we use our judgment, experience and resources to get to the heart of things quickly, so that we can arrive at the potential of the business opportunity and how that can be best taken to market to optimise its value. It is at this stage where we jointly decide how best we are able to help and what areas of our expertise will be the best to deploy.
We use every ounce of our experience, resources and contacts to focus on success. Whether it’s moving from concept to market launch, moving into new markets, addressing new competitors, restructuring teams or upskilling resources, we will work with you as if we are fully imbedded members of the team.
We believe in energy and momentum.